Night Creature: A Forgotten Jungle Thriller – Released in 1978, Night Creature is a suspenseful thriller set on a remote island. Directed by Lee Madden and starring Donald Pleasence, Nancy Kwan, and Ross Hagen, the… – Released in 1978, Night Creature is a suspenseful thriller set on a remote island. Directed by Lee Madden and starring Donald Pleasence, Nancy Kwan, and Ross Hagen, the… – “Tombiruo: Penunggu Rimba,” released in 2017, is a Malaysian Malay-language action-adventure film that captivated audiences with its intriguing blend of mysticism and action. Directed by Australian filmmaker Seth… – Dallas, Texas, is renowned for its towering skyscrapers and bustling city life, but it also offers an abundance of green spaces that provide a refreshing escape from the…