Moana: A Journey of Self-Discovery, Courage – Disney’s Moana (2016) introduced audiences to one of the most powerful and inspiring heroines in modern animation. The story of Moana, a young Polynesian girl, is not just… – Disney’s Moana (2016) introduced audiences to one of the most powerful and inspiring heroines in modern animation. The story of Moana, a young Polynesian girl, is not just… – Rihanna, born Robyn Rihanna Fenty on February 20, 1988, in Saint Michael, Barbados, has grown from a chart-topping pop sensation into one of the most influential and wealthiest… – Suphan Buri, a province in central Thailand, is a region rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Known for its significant historical sites and vibrant local life, Suphan… – Big Sean, born Sean Michael Leonard Anderson, was born on March 25, 1988, in Santa Monica, California, but raised in Detroit, Michigan. His early exposure to music and…