– Andy Warhol’s 1965 experimental film, Outer and Inner Space, is a groundbreaking work that explores the interplay between the physical and the psychological. This innovative film, featuring Edie Sedgwick, is a seminal example of Warhol’s fascination with technology, media, and the human condition.   

A Double-Screened Experiment

One of the most striking aspects of Outer and Inner Space is its use of a double-screen format. The film is projected simultaneously onto two screens, creating a visually stunning and disorienting experience. On one screen, Sedgwick is filmed live, while on the other, a pre-recorded video of her is played. This juxtaposition of live and recorded imagery creates a sense of fragmentation and dislocation.   

A Meditation on Self and Identity

Outer and Inner Space is a meditation on self and identity. The film explores the tension between the self and the image of the self, the real and the virtual. Sedgwick’s performance is both captivating and disturbing, as she oscillates between moments of lucidity and disorientation.

A Technical Innovation

The film’s use of multiple screens and the integration of live and recorded footage was a significant technical innovation for its time. Warhol’s experimentation with video technology paved the way for future developments in experimental film and video art.   

A Timeless Exploration of Consciousness

Despite its experimental nature, Outer and Inner Space remains a timeless exploration of consciousness and the human condition. The film’s focus on the individual and their relationship to technology continues to resonate with contemporary audiences.


Andy Warhol’s Outer and Inner Space is a groundbreaking work that challenges traditional notions of cinema. Its innovative use of technology and its exploration of the self make it a significant contribution to the history of experimental film. As we continue to grapple with the complexities of the digital age, Warhol’s film offers a prescient vision of the future.

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